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An Implementation of Strategies for the ASD Individual

"Tyler's Accomplishing two of his GOALS: 1) On Task Behaviors and 2) Making Eye Contact"

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In order to assist ASD individuals by focusing with; on task behaviors and the ability to comply with directives, you must repeat the steps, make eye contact, as well as modeling skills, so that he or she understands the request and expectations.

               ~ Ericka Wharton ~

Professional Book Review



    Autistically Awesome is an easy read because it gets straight to the point, uses language that the readers will be able to understand, the information is relevant due to the vast amount of children who are currently being diagnosed with Autism, and once you start reading you will not want to put it down.  If you don’t know much about Autism Spectrum Disorder, I highly recommend you to enjoy this book so that you can become more familiar with the diagnosis.


               ~ Avia Tomlinson, M.Ed, LPC, Program Director ~

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What Can You Do or Look For?

What should you do?

¿Qué debe hace


If you or someone notices a concern regarding a specific behavior(s), contact the individual's pediatrician or reach out to the MCIU for intake, questionnaires, and further information.


Si usted o alguien nota una preocupación con respecto a un comportamiento específico, comuníquese con el pediatra de la persona o comuníquese con el MCIU para obtener ingesta, cuestionarios y más información


What are some signs and symptoms?

​¿Cuáles son algunos signos y síntomas?

Some signs and symptoms that you can observe that are noticeable are; no to limited social skills, behaviors consisting of (prefer to be left alone, off task, noncompliance, crossing boundaries, as well as fixated on a specific item or person.


Algunos signos y síntomas que puede observar que son notables son; no a las habilidades sociales limitadas, comportamientos que consisten en (prefiere ser dejado solo, fuera de la tarea, incumplimiento, cruce de límites, así como fijado en un elemento o persona específica.

PECS "Talker"

Observable Behaviors 

Workshops, Social Skills, and Sensory

Safety Awareness/Boundaries

Structured Routine

Much Appreciation! Stay Tuned!

Author's Background



Over the past 12 years, working in the mental health field as a Licensed Behavioral Specialist, I’ve learned a lot working in the Human Services Field.  Having exposure to all Exceptional individuals with a variety of diagnoses and ranging from 2 – years – old to 21 – years – old, it has been a great pleasure with helping and supporting ASD *(Autism Spectrum Disorder) individuals.  Enrolling in multiple training classes as well as earning my license through the State Board of Medicine with working with the ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) population, which is the reason why I wanted to create this book to help caretakers, professionals, as well as any other entity for wanting to know more about Autism Spectrum Disorder.  No matter what level of understanding of this exceptionality you are aware of, I hope I was able to assist you with a clearer understanding of ASD as well as what steps to take to get appropriate support.

ERICKA WHARTON, MS; LBS,                         Author


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